1. Perform administrative management, supervise and monitor staff in terms of attendance, review of overtime allowance claims, assets, vehicles, equipment and machinery, and sanitary stores and stocks are managed in an orderly, adequate and well -maintained
  2. To prepare, plan and provide a schedule of garbage collection services, grass cutting, drain cleaning and road sweeping every month in addition to assisting in the preparation of official district programs such as flag installation according to instructions from time to time.
  3. Implement monitoring and supervision of sanitation works carried out by SWCORP and SWM concessionaires as well as the issuance of correctional notice letter (NTC) taken immediate action.
  4. Implement all public complaints related to public cleansing are acted upon according to procedures and a reasonable period.
  5. Provides all reports of the work of the public health division are prepared, stored and updated monthly in the relevant files from time to time.
  6. Perform other duties as directed from time to time.


  1. Monitor the cleaning work services carried out by the SWM concessionaire, namely garbage collection, grass cutting, drain cleaning and road sweeping according to the set schedule.
  2. Make monitoring and reporting and issuance of correctional notice letter (NTC) to SWCORP and SWM for immediate action.
  3. Record, take action, report all public complaints related to public cleansing and updated from time to time in the relevant files.
  4. Assist in the preparation of official district programs such as the installation of flags according to instructions from time to time.
  5. Perform other duties as directed from time to time.


  1. Implement staff administration management in terms of attendance checks, overtime allowance claims, vehicles, safety protection control equipment and machinery and chemical stores are managed in an orderly, adequate and well -maintained
  2. Prepare, plan implementation schedule and monitor vector control activities such as search and destroy, mist spray, cockroach spray, flies and rats according to established procedures.
  3. To plan, implement and monitor gotong - royong and cleaning of empty/ abandoned houses.
  4. Assist in the preparation of official district programs such as the installation of flags according to instructions from time to time.
  5. Provides all vector unit work reports prepared, stored and updated monthly in relevant files from time to time and provides monthly dog ​​catch claim payments
  6. Perform other duties as directed from time to time


  1. Supervise staff in terms of attendance, review of claims for overtime allowances, vehicles, machinery and equipment in an orderly and systematic manner and well maintained
  2. Plan, supervise and implement control activities of stray or wild animals such as dogs and cats in accordance with established procedures.
  3. Record and take action on public complaints in accordance with procedures.
  4. Provide reports of all stray animal catches and updated from time to time in the relevant files.
  5. Assist in the preparation of official district programs such as the installation of flags according to instructions from time to time.
  6. Perform other duties as directed from time to time.
Last Updated: Thursday, 19 December 2024 - 10:06am