
  •  To plan and control development including providing structural plan / local  plan.

  •  To coordinate / help develop town or new settlement.

  •  To control building construction, advertisement and signboard.

  •  To manage waste disposal, solid waste and urban sanitation activity.

  •  To monitor health services, food quality control, food premise cleanliness and control of infectious diseases.

  •  To control business activity through Law Enforcement and licensing rules.

  • Developing and maintaining drainage and sewerage system City Beautification.

  • To provide and maintain the basic amenities of the new village and village tradition .Building and maintaining roads Building and maintenance of public facilities such as public markets , stores , halls , sports   basicfacilities , public transportation terminals , bus stops, public toilets , libraries,children's playgrounds, public parks and public car parks

Quality Base

Kluang Municipal Council as an organization committed to achieving the goals and mission of the organization, complying with the requirements of acts and legislation, delivering services efficiently and effectively to improve the quality of life of the community in line with the slogan "Maju Sejahtera" and implement continuous improvement.


Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 February 2025 - 4:46pm