• e-Participation policy aims to seek the views / opinions / ideas of the people of Kluang in order to make improvements environmental  in Kluang.
  • The MPK is very welcome to comply with the terms and conditions of participation that have been set as follows:     
    1. Any statements that incite racial, religion and politics are strictly prohibited.
    2. Non degrading, personal attacks and making statements that could offend other participants.
    3. Control your statement, avoid removing the offensive language and parochialism.
    4. Not allowed to upload files that contain computer viruses such as virus "Trojan horses", "worms", "time bombs", "cancel boots" or whatever software or programs that may damage the computer user others.
    5. The administrator of e-Inclusion column entitled to amend and delete any statement / topic at any  time without informing the author of the statement / topic.
Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 February 2025 - 4:46pm